Do i need a reference for excel vba to work in windows and mac
Do i need a reference for excel vba to work in windows and mac

do i need a reference for excel vba to work in windows and mac

When you name a given range, excel tags that specific name to the given range.īy default excel adjusts the named ranges when you delete or add rows to the named ranges. But you got to be careful with the named ranges. The named ranges are great tools when it comes to managing structured data. Check one by one each of them and save your excel file. When you refresh pivot tables and this error occurs, it is possible that you have changed some range or names in the data mode. If you have several pivot tables in a workbook that refers to multiple ranges, named range or data tables, make sure that they refer to valid range.

Do i need a reference for excel vba to work in windows and mac how to#

How to solve Pivot Table Reference Error? So, this one of the main reasons for data reference invalid error.

do i need a reference for excel vba to work in windows and mac

Because I do not have any range called "Table1" (I had changed it to "Data").

do i need a reference for excel vba to work in windows and mac

This returns a "Data source reference is not valid" error. When it asked for the data source, I mentioned "Table1". Later I wanted to create a pivot table on this table. Now if you try to create pivot table with invalid range or refresh pivot table that refers to a range that no longer exists, this can cause "Reference is not valid error".įor example, here I have a data table, initially whose name was "Table1" but I change it to "data" later. Using that data range excel creates the pivot reports. So, when we create a pivot table it requires a data range. 1: Pivot Tables Data Source Reference is Not Valid Now this error can occur due to several reasons. So, as the name suggests the error occurs when Excel tries to refer to location that is no longer available, invalid or doesn't exist. In this article, we will learn why data source isn't valid occurs and how we can solve this annoying problem. "Data source reference is not valid" is one annoying problem that can be hard to get rid of, if you don't know the source problem.

Do i need a reference for excel vba to work in windows and mac